ACP At-Home


ACP At-Home with Charles Virtue and Peroshini Naidoo

Introducing the 3-Day ACP Video Home Study Certification Class!

Because the class is on video, it will contain approximately 30% more material, meditations and lessons than was ever possible in the traditional, in-person format. Time constraints, travel costs, hotel stays are now a thing of the past. This video certification course will allow you to explore the material at your own pace and in your own home! You will now be able to re-reference this class any time you wish!

Each individual lesson in the course will be organized by chapter so you can immediately reference the table of contents to find the information you are looking for on the video without the need to rewind or fast forward.

ACP class is a very grounded and informative experience that many students have reported brought about major, beneficial life changes. We teach this class with the intention of not only getting you in touch with the Angels that are always around you, but to help teach you real-world applicable lessons and techniques designed to keep your connection open and complete. We share with you everything involved in living a guided life with the angels; what to expect, how to communicate with the angels, how to decipher angelic messages from your own thoughts and feelings and how to properly manifest without working against yourself.

Angels are the embodiment of Heavens energy and they are with you on your journey through life, giving you subtle hints and guidance along your path.

Communicating with angels is completely natural, and the ability to do so is built in to every human being. The angels are communicating with you every day of your life by showing you signs, giving you intuition and loving guidance to confirm that you are still on your life path. The key is to learn to recognize, decipher and effectively utilize what they are saying to you. This class is designed to do exactly that.

By welcoming the power and love of the angels into your life, you are opening yourself up to finding your life purpose and true fulfillment.

The Angel Certification Program (ACP-class) with Charles Virtue and Peroshini Naidoo teaches you tools and techniques to use the loving guidance of your Angels in every aspect of your life. Whether you are planning to use the Angel Practitioner skills for yourself or in your professional practice, this class will inspire you to make healthful and positive changes in your life.

The course has two main purposes:

1.Self-healing. This course will help you to release blocks, fears, and old painful emotions. You will learn how to let go of the past so that you can hear the voice of the angels and their divine guidance.

2.Skill building. Learn the step-by-step methods of giving an Angel reading using powerful oracle cards, and discover working with the powerful Archangels to conduct healings.

Topics include:

• How to receive and understand Angel messages for yourself and for clients

• Working and healing with the power of the major Archangels

• Chakra Clearing and other clearing and healing meditations

• Angel Readings: Using Angel oracle cards as a divination tool for yourself and clients

• Past lives: How they could currently be affecting you

• Manifestation: Hone your ability to turn thoughts into reality

• Cord Cutting: Clear the unbalanced connections in your life

• Shielding: Protect yourself from lower energy

• Basic Mediumship training to help you connect with departed loved-ones

• Understanding Angel Signs

• Gaining confidence in yourself as a spiritual teacher, healer, and psychic

• Practicing your new psychic and healing skills with other workshop attendees

Upon completion of this three-day intensive and powerful training and clearing class you will receive the “Certified Angel Practitioner” certification.

This powerful class will help you to clear and open your energetic and spiritual self, in a loving, safe, nurturing and informative environment (Your home!). All graduates of this class will receive a Certificate Of ACP under Charles Virtue and Peroshini Naidoo after your Professional Reader/Healer essay (explained in the video material) is emailed in and reviewed. You will also be eligible to be listed in the Reader/Healer Directory on this website.

Price: $222

This class is available now

Class duration will be greater than the equivalent of the 3 day certification course.

Class will be sent to the email address associated with your PayPal payment. If you wish to change the email address, please write to us by clicking here.

By making this purchase you agree to our terms and conditions located here.