Name:  Atsuko Bisnaire
Location:  St. Germain en Laye   (near Paris) in France

Services: Angel therapy, Angel reading,
Kiatsu therapist
Kiatsu is a method which was established by Koichi Tohei (master of shinshin-toitsu aikido).

 I graduated from Ki no kenkyukai (research centre of Ki-energy) after intense study for 2
years in Japan.
By extending the universe energy through my hands into your body,  your natural healing
power will increase.

 I can also teach self-kiatsu,  and the effects of being positive by changing the vocabulary you
use and using right posture, etc.
Languages: Japanese,  English,  French


Name:    Jutta Mena Meier (listing for France)
Location: 34390 Mons-La-Trivalle near Béziers
Phone:     0033-(0)-4-67-977221
ETP-Advanced certifiée par Charles Virtue
Medium certifiée par Doreen Virtue
Thérapeute de reincarnation

Services:  consultation des anges  (par les cartes, aussi), Consultation des licornes, consultation
des défunts, voyage par le reve éveillé,  consultation astrologique.
Je parle Allemand et Francais.

Pour plus d’information, regardez sur mon site web. Je serai heureuse d’entendre de vous!